Hey Ben 👋

I saw your tweet and thought it was interesting, so figured I'd put something together real quick for you, vs DM'ing you a mess of links.

Some develop-ery things I've done:

  • Torchlight.dev - A syntax highlighting API. I built this because I was frustrated that all the other highlighters sucked (in my opinion.) Now it's used on Laravel News, Statamic, PestPHP, Fathom Analytics, and a bunch of other sites.
  • Sidecar - This is a Laravel library that lets you deploy a microservice as a part of your monolith. It takes a lot of the coordination nightmare out of managing Lambdas. I'm giving a talk on this at Laracon online on February 9th.
  • Live Coding Presentation - My first live coding presentation, which was a demo of Sidecar.
  • One of my recent MySQL articles got 169 retweets, which seems like a lot for an article on MySQL 😂
  • Another MySQL article got 94 retweets. I guess people like MySQL?
  • My best tweet ever was about how I built a bunch of robots to handwrite some letters.
  • A few of my articles have made it to the front-page of HN.
  • I record a podcast (which you listened to an episode of!)
  • I have a side business with Sean and Colleen, where we sell a query builder for Rails and Laravel.
  • I've grown my twitter from 1,200 at the beginning of last year to 5,000 at the moment, mostly by following three simple rules.


I'm currently FT employed at a property tax company in Texas. I'm the COO+CTO, which just means I do a little bit of programming myself, work with two other programmers, and manage about 20 non-technical people.

I've been there four or so years and we've grown our properties under management by about 4x since I started.

I'm not sure exactly what the role you're hiring for is, but I'd love to talk about it if you think it makes sense!


I looked through the people you follow to see who in there would know me enough to give you any intel. I added a few more that I think you know:

  • [redacted]
  • [redacted]
  • [redacted]
  • [redacted]
  • [redacted]